The City of Lynwood has contracted MuniEnvironmental to implement two programs: CalRecycle diversion and citywide organics recycling.
“Since we added Lynwood as a client last fall, our team has developed a keen sense of the city’s waste and recycling needs,” said MuniEnvironmental CEO and Principal Consultant Jeff Duhamel. “We’re looking forward to taking on two of their large programs to help the city comply with state regulations and keep the community running smoothly.”
MuniEnvironmental consultants will assist the city in implementing, reporting and complying with the ongoing CalRecycle diversion program. Among other tasks, the firm will verify reported diversion rates, review Construction & Demolition Waste Management Plans and attend community and staff meetings.
Additionally, MuniEnvironmental will help Lynwood develop and implement citywide organics recycling. Per state law, the city is required to plan to divert 50 percent of organics from landfills by 2020. MuniEnvironmental consultants will help the municipality establish this plan during the tight timeline required. In addition to writing the content of the plan, the firm will assist with on-site technical issues, social media creation and community workshops.
MuniEnvironmental began work in Lynwood last fall when the firm conducted a Solid Waste and Recycling Performance Overview for the city.
The City of Lynwood is located at the intersection of the 105 and 710 freeways in the Southern Los Angeles Basin. The full service city, which is home to over 71,000 residents, was incorporated in 1921.
With proven expertise in the Solid Waste and Recycling Industries, the experienced professional staff of MuniEnvironmental provides consulting services to governmental agencies attempting to implement mandated regulatory requirements while also striving to preserve their leadership and administrative role with their contract service providers and the business community. For more information, please visit or call 562-432-3700.
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